CrossFit ABF – Kids Fitness
Metcon (Weight)
The Brand X Method™ Kids Monthly Focus for October 2018
A Month of Pumpkins!
One child gets to keep a pumpkin in each class, pumpkin may be given for effort, leadership, perseverance, focus, movement, speed, listening, courtesy or kindness. Make sure that by the end of the month, each child has been recognized and given a pumpkin.
Foundational Movements – deadlift, hang power clean, jumping/ landing
Physical Literacy – rolling
Plane of Movement – sagittal
Accessory Movement – rope climbs, handstand push-up progressions
A Brand X Method Kids Workout
Stinky Feets – With shoes off, kids line up shoulder to shoulder at start line, take off one sock, and grasp it with the bottom of the sockless foot. On go, they see who can hop the farthest holding their sock.
Practice jumping to a chalk line target – Cue correct knee over ankle stacking and landing with feet pointed straight.
1:00 calf stretch against the wall
1:00 downward dog
20-second plank then inchworm (walk feet to hands) up to broad jump
Kick dodgeball to yourself
Avoid the Bomb – One player carries a hula hoop horizontally. All others try to throw “bombs” (dodgeballs) in the hoop while “hooper” avoids the bombs.