CrossFit ABF – Kids Fitness
Metcon (No Measure)
Bear crawl 10 meters
Alligator crawl 10 meters
Side shuffle (lead with right leg) 10 meters
Side shuffle (lead with left leg) 10 meters
1:00 Samson stretch each side
Review Movement Skill “Waiting in the Outfield,” practice hinge and box squat. Be sure to emphasize calves staying in contact with box. Practice 3-5 goblet squats to box with appropriate load (dodgeball to 10# dumbbell or kettlebell). Create A/B groups as needed for goblet position unloaded, and loaded goblet squats. Review grasshopper form and core stability – Movement Skill “Strong Tree on the Ground.”
2:00 goblet box squats
2:00 grasshoppers
Run 100 meters
Knock Stuff Over – Depending on class size, line up 2-4 pairs of cones 15’ apart. Place each pair 3’-4’ apart to create safe lanes. Label start cone as #1 and exercise cone as #2 (cones can be identified during whiteboard description). Place 2 dodgeballs or soccer balls at each Cone #1. Stack the packages approximately 12’ beyond the second cones. This stack is referred to as “Stuff Mountain” and can be identified as such on the whiteboard. Divide kids into 2-4 groups as class size dictates (we recommend no more than 5 players per group) and line them up behind Cone #1. On “Go,” the first player carries balls to Cone #2 one at a time. After both balls are at Cone #2, a ball is kicked at Stuff Mountain. If Stuff Mountain is partially or totally knocked over, play stops and all active players do a victory lap around the field of play to give trainers time to restack the mountain and return balls to Cone #1. Play progresses through the line.