CrossFit ABF – CrossFit Personal Training
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
20 Wallballs 20/14lbs
20 Calorie Row
10/side Light DB Press 20/15
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
3 Rounds, For Reps:
1:00 Thrusters (96/65#)
1:00 Power Cleans (95/65#)
1:00 Box Jump-Overs (24/20″)
1:00 Pull-ups
1:00 Assault Bike or rowing Cals
*Rest 1:00 Between Rounds
40% max thruster
Ring rows
Bitch Work
Front Rack Reverse Lunge (3×8)
Barbell Hip thrust (3×8)
– Begin seated on the ground with a bench directly behind you. Have a loaded barbell over your legs.
– Roll the bar so that it is directly above your hips, and lean back against the bench so that your shoulder blades are near the top of it.
– Begin the movement by driving through your feet, extending your hips vertically through the bar. Your weight should be supported by your shoulder blades and your feet. – – Extend as far as possible, then reverse the motion to return to the starting position.
GHD Back extension (3×10)
• Set up with the knees either directly on or slightly behind the pad, with the feet firmly on the platform and the back of the calves pressed lightly against the upper ankle hook.
• Begin with the torso perpendicular to the floor.
• Next, squeeze the hamstrings, glutes, and abs, and lower under control until the torso is parallel to the floor.
• From there, return to the starting position by pushing the toes into the footplate (which activates the gastrocnemius) and pulling up with the hamstrings. Be sure to keep the glutes contracted.
Markussen’s Movements
PRE- x3 rounds
>Bear Crawl pushing a KB forward + reverse x15 yds
>Knee Grab to lunge x15 yds
>Spiderman Crawl x15 yds
>Contra lateral Dead Bug x30 sec
Banded Hamstring series 3 times each movement = hold each stretch for 15 seconds
>1 Leg in the air *focus on hamstrings
>1 Leg lateral *stretching IT band
>1 leg away from body *stretching inner thigh