CrossFit ABF – CrossFit Personal Training
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
Run 100m
10 Hanging knee raises
5 Pike Push Ups
10 Good Mornings
Handstand Push-ups (15-20min)
1. Start with 3 minutes practice of wall walks to handstand facing the wall. Try to get as close to the wall as possible.
2. Hold 20sec with belly against wall
3. Kick up into handstand (back against wall)
4. Hold 20sec against the wall.
5. (If you can do 1-4): 1 strict handstand push up and 5 kipping.
6. Progress to 6-8 Strict HSPU & 20 Kipping HSPU
Diane (Time)
Deadlifts, 225# / 155#
Handstand Push-ups
Scale to box or ab mat hspu and 45% of 1RM DL
Bitch Work
Back Rack Lunge (3×10/side)
Metcon (Time)
PLANK – Hold as long as possible
Add weight plate on your back OR weighted vest