CrossFit ABF – CrossFit Personal Training
Warm-up (No Measure)
400/300m row
2 rounds
10 air squats
10 glute bridge
10 empty bar good mornings
Back Squat (3×8)
3×8 @ 72.5 + 10-15lbs
Deadlift (2×8)
2×8 @ 75% + 10-15lbs
1-Mile Run (Time)
Max Effort 1-Mile Run
Rope Climb (3 ascients)
Bitch Work
Grace (Time)
For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 135# / 95#
70% of your 1rm c+j
Markussen’s Movements
>Knee hug to lunge x10 yds
>High Knees x10yds
>Walking quad stretch x10yds
>Butt Kickers x10yds
>Hips+Knees+Toes walking stretch x10yds ***think toe up***
>Leg swing +reach x10yds
then x5
Sprint x30yds rest 45 sec after each sprint
POST- x2 rounds
>Calf Stretch from Pike position x1 min
>Runners Lunge x1 min
>Pigeon Pose x1 min
then sit in wall squat x2 min