CrossFit ABF – Kids Fitness
Metcon (No Measure)
1:00 side-to-side hops
1:00 hold one foot front or back and hop
1:00 side shuffle
Cossack practice at wall
1:00 downward dog
Partner-facing box squats practice (coaches to adjust position and proximity to box according to capacity to maintain fairly vertical shin, toes forward, flat back so kids don’t fall backward during the workout)
AMGMAP for 8:00
50-meter run
5 partner facing push-ups
5 partner facing box squats
5 (partners alternate) box jumps
In a 10-meter x 10-meter play area
4 medium cones; 18 flat cones; 2 pool noodles, wrapping paper tubes or cardboard barbell shipping tubes; 2 crash mats at least 3 x 3 and 4″ thick
Create two side-by-side lanes 8 meters in length and 1 meter wide using flat cones. Tubes may be marked with colored tape to accommodate different sized players. Place tubes at opposite ends of the lanes and close to the outside line of cones. Place each crash mat standing up on its side at 4 meters (halfway down the lane) and closest to the middle line, skewed to the center. On “go” two players perform 6 jump-over burpees using their tube and then pick it up, holding it parallel to the ground. Players use the “jousting pole” and try to be the first to knock down the crash mat in their own lane.
Players do not target each other, just the crash mat.
Try first using pool noodles or wrapping paper tubes; type of jousting pole used may be determined later by participant size.
Keep players on a straight trajectory and make adjustments to the layout as needed.