CrossFit ABF – CrossFit Personal Training
Warm-up (No Measure)
2min DU or jump/double touch
Metcon (No Measure)
3 Sets For Quality:
:20 Seconds L-Sit
:30 Weighted Glute Bridge Hold
:40 Seconds Tempo Back Squat*
*Tempo: 10 Seconds Down, 20 Seconds Bottom, 10 Seconds Up
Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets.
Squat should be 30-40% of 1RM
Metcon (Weight)
Alternating On the Minute x 10 (5 Rounds):
Minute 1: 50 Double Unders
Minute 2: 3 Push Presses + 3 Push Jerks
Bitch Work
Metcon (No Measure)
3 Rounds:
9 D-Ball Cleans
50′ D-Ball Carry (Facing Forward)
50′ D-Ball Carry (Facing Backwards)
12 D-Ball Squats
50′ D-Ball Carry (Facing Forward)
50′ D-Ball Carry (Facing Backwards)
D-Ball: 100/70