CrossFit ABF – Kids Fitness
Warm-up (No Measure)
1 hop, 1 skip and a jump 10 meters
Inchworms back 10 meters
1:00 cross-body arm stretch, push shoulder back while opposing arm pulls toward torso at the elbow each side
Relax shoulders then do 10 reps with pause between—pinch shoulder blades straight back rather than up
Strong Tree and Safe Shoulder review and discussion
White board pictures help!
Have kids practice Strong Tree and hold 1:00—muscles on, ribs down, tight tummy. Now put arms in overhead (OH) carry position and repeat 1:00 hold while retaining spinal neutrality.
Metcon (No Measure)
Obstacle course Carry with various objects
boxes, parallels, plates, end with throw
Metcon (No Measure)
musical medballs