CrossFit ABF – CrossFit Personal Training
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 rounds:
200m run
50′ Banded Lateral Side Step (R/L)
10 Banded Air Squats
10 DB Single Leg RDL (R/L)
10 DB Single Arm Strict Press (R/L)
Back Squat (4×8)
4×8 in tempo (4:0:3:0)
*This is 4 second descent, no pause in bottom, 3 second ascent, no pause at the top.
*Keep the tempo over going heavy and having to squat faster. These are more for quality than load
Metcon (Time)
20/15 Cal Row
30 Chest to Bar
20/15 Cal Row
20 Chest to Bar
20/15 Cal Row
10 Chest to Bar
Pull ups or ring rows