This month we proudly induct Seth into the ABF Hall of Fame. He’s come a long way since joining us nearly 2 years ago. Seth was originally slated to only be in town for a couple months. We’d like to think it was the amazing community at ABF that kept him here. However, work may have played a part. 😉
He’s a dedicated athlete who’s at the gym at least three times a week. He’s a great dad who travels every other week to see his kids. It’s no easy task to balance life, responsibilities, and fun but Seth seems to pull it off flawlessly. He’s a calm guy with a quiet demeanor, which balances out his girlfriend Susie nicely. He pushed Susie to join our community a few months ago and we’ve fallen in love with her. Susie’s a yoga instructor and a bit jealous of Seth’s ability to pull off the allusive crow to handstand maneuver.
Along with his athleticism, he’s extremely handy, and can literally build or fix anything. He’s a great fisherman who loves Sundays on the water. Seth’s a talented musician. He plays the guitar, ukulele, and is studying piano.
Seth’s an amazing addition to the team and we’re proud to call him September’s Member Of The Month.