CrossFit ABF – CrossFit Personal Training
Wod Wars II Event 1 (2 Rounds for reps)
0-5 Minutes AMRAP, One partner works at a time
60 WBS 20/14lbs
40 T2B
20 C2B
hanging knee raise
pull ups or ring rows
5-10 Minutes AMRAP, One partner works at a time
25M yoke carry 175/135 (135 / females 35lb kb farmers carry)
16 KB snatches 53/35 (35 / females 26lb single Russian kb swing)
135/35lb (females kb farmers carry)
35/26lbs (female single russian kb swing)
Wod Wars II Event 2 (Time)
5 RFT (7 minute Cap)
24 Deadlifts 115/75lbs
18 Hang Power clean
12 S2O
Scale 95/55lbs
Wod Wars II Floater (2 Rounds for reps)
One athlete on the bike and one on the rower. Each athlete will have 60 seconds to get as many calories as they can. Score is total calories.