CrossFit ABF – Kids Fitness
Metcon (No Measure)
run away come back
1 flopee
run away
2 flopee
run away
3 flopee
run away
4 flopee
run away
5 floppee
Pec stretch
down dog
2 minutes
Couch Cushion, ottoman or pillow stack hurdles (any way over)
2 minutes
Mountain Climbers
10 air squats
2 minutes
Couch Cushion, ottoman or pillow stack hurdles (any way over)
2 minutes
Mountain Climbers
10 flopees
2 minutes
Couch Cushion, ottoman or pillow stack hurdles (any way over)
2 minutes
Mountain Climbers
10 summer saults
play “Skipping rocks”
Set up an empty box or trash can on its side against a wall
While maintaining a solid plank position, 1 meter away child should attempt to skip a
tennis, pinky or la crosse ball into the box. Change distance from box and relative
orientation to the box every 3-5 throws.