CrossFit ABF – Kids Fitness
Metcon (No Measure)
Warm up
10 m bear crawl
Transition to 50 m run (would like this to be seamless)
50 m backwards run
2 handstand or frog hold attempt
5 dogeball or sock roll throws dominate hand
10 dodgeball or sock roll throws weak hand
5:00 of mobility
10:00 Landing practice
1/2 to 3/4 effort broad jump x 3
Work on landing with the following
• Feet forward
• Knees tracking feet
• Absorbing impact with hips
• Spine neutral
follow 3 landing practices with
5 step back lunges
5 Cossacks
Get up sprint 100 m
After each interval, rest 6x the duration it took you to run the sprint
Effort should be at 95-100%. Work rest ratio is 1:6
10 penduluums
5 lunge to rockets (ea. leg) Looking for explosion