CrossFit ABF – Kids Fitness
Metcon (No Measure)
Battle Board – Kids of similar size sit on the ground with feet in wide squat position. Each player presses feet against opponent’s feet. Players grasp a dowel and, upon go, they use leverage to pull opponent up. With bigger kids this can be done without a dowel by grasping opponents’ forearms. **Cue kids to use control and pull opponent only to standing and no farther.
Box squat – Cue calves to stay on box. Hips move back to tap box.
Box height should be at child’s knee crease; use bumper plates if needed to find correct height.
4:00 hamstring stretch on a box
Make sure kids stay braced with flat backs.
AMGMAP in 8:00
5 box squats
10 one-legged hops
3-meter shuttle run with 6 taps
Dodgeball (with 5 grasshoppers if hit)