CrossFit ABF – Kids Fitness
Metcon (No Measure)
Have kids practice kicking a dodgeball under control to themselves
Have kids practice kicking a dodgeball to a partner
1:00 each side couch stretch against the wall
1:00 hamstring stretch on a box
*on both, do not allow kids to use their spine to stretch. They should maintain upright posture for the torso with ribs down using “Strong Tree.”
Hold to support on the rings – demo and review Strong Tree. Show hand position relative to torso (thumbs out, elbows in) and spot all attempts. If you only have a single set of low rings, have kids stay in relaxed bottom of the squat position while waiting.
2:00 box squats
2:00 broad jumps
2:00 hillbilly prowler push
2:00 free play kicking dodgeballs
Crazy Kickball w/dodgeballs – In this kickball game everything is quite chaotic. In a normal game you would run to first base, second base, third base and then home. But in Crazy Kickball, the order is different. Players need to get to first base, then third, then second and all the way across to home plate. Each team gets six outs in Crazy Kickball, and any taken pitch is counted as an out. Since you need to travel a greater distance between bases, each team can have up to five players on a single base at a time.