CrossFit ABF – Kids Fitness
Metcon (No Measure)
Stinky Feets – Scatter 2 socks per child around large circular play area. Place central bucket for socks to be deposited into. Direct kids to start in a large circle outside the socks and to grab socks one at a time with one foot and hop on the other foot to drop in the bucket upon “go” signal from coach.
Describe the difference between scooping and grabbing, grab to strengthen feet, hop on one leg to strengthen ankles.
Toes-to-bar – Practice movement on the floor, focus on spine braced against the floor (make a strong tree on the floor).
1:00 child’s pose
1:00 bottom of the squat
1:00 down dog
AMGMAP in 8:00
10 one-legged hops each leg
10 toes-to-bar or knees-to-elbows on floor
Cue to complete range of motion by straightening out with feet on floor each rep
10 presses or push presses, markers-8# dumbbells
Avoid the Bomb – One player carries a hula hoop horizontally. All others try to throw “bombs” (dodgeballs) in the hoop while “hooper” avoids the bombs.