Weightlifting WOD

CrossFit ABF – CrossFit Personal Training


Warm-up (No Measure)

10 tuck jumps

10 shoulder circles each side

5 inchworm on foam roller

10 leg swings each side


Metcon (Weight)

Power Snatch

On the 1:30 x 4 Sets:

1 Halting Power Snatch (2s at knee-level)

1 Power Snatch

… Directly into:


Power Snatch (6×1)

On the 1:00 x 6 Sets:

1 Power Snatch


Glute-Ham Raises (1×50)

In total, do 50 GHDs or 50 glute bridges. Swap out the machine with others.

Bitch Work

Handstand Push-ups (10x?)

10 Sets for time:

30% of Max Strict handstand push-ups (whatever your biggest set was from the Open)

Each set must be unbroken, and athletes are to rest as needed between.

Markussen’s Movements

PRE- x3 rounds

>Bear Crawl with KB Push x10yds forward and reverse

>>Thoracic Roll x3 each side

>Extend + Reach x3 each side

>Thoracic Bridge x3 each side

Thoracic Spine Mobility by Suffolk Strength Academy = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAPIJpfubZU

POST – x2 rounds

>Cat +Cow x1 min

>Moose Antler x1 min

>Thread the needle x1 min ***https://www.muscleandperformance.com/training-performance/release-your-thoracic-spine

>Thoracic Box stretch x1 min ***https://www.google.com/search?q=thoracic+stretch+box&rlz=1CAIEIT_enUS712US712&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiL99P34cbhAhVRMt8KHaXbClAQ_AUIDigB&biw=1826&bih=917#imgrc=cLhmZrYmRsfnPM: