ABF’s original Power Scaler, Val Potucek is no rookie to CrossFit. And after 9 years of consistent training, she has managed, much to our amazement, to retain a homogenous level of athleticism. In a sport where competition is key, she is definitely not trying to be better than you. In fact, you will likely find her wandering aimlessly around our noon classes sharing the trials and tribulations of being a geriatric Crossfitter.
This self-proclaimed Jump-Rope-for-Heart Champion, circa 1997, is habitually abandoning workouts in lieu of the loo. It’s not her fault though. Just like Sarah Markusson, she JUST had a baby.
Val joined CrossFit before ABF was born, and when Ryan was coaching at another gym, but it wasn’t an easy start. After about a year of coaxing, she finally tried CrossFit… 6 months later she wasn’t sure if she’d actually stay with the sport but decided she would buy a pair of CrossFit shoes. Despite the shoes, she still is not totally sure she’s committed to the sport.
As our resident creative, she has committed herself to branding not only CrossfitABF, but all the ABF competitions (and many of the ABF shirts) as well. Val is responsible for all of the amazing logos, t-shirts, and graphics since the inception of ABF. She’s behind the scenes doing amazing work and seldom gets the recognition she deserves. She would like you to know that if you ever see a poorly designed graphic from the box, Ryan made it in Microsoft word.
It is through this often unrecognized graphic design mastery and mediocre dedication to the “sport” that she seized the long-overdue Member of the Month nomination. Let’s all try to be like Val and take it easy during her MoM WOD.
“My goal is to walk through the door, everything after that is about petting dogs.”