CrossFit ABF – CrossFit Personal Training
Metcon (Time)
MF – 4 min
8-6-4-2 reps of:
Burpee box jump over
Male 75 / 95 / 115 / 135
Female 55 / 65 / 85 / 105
Male box heights 24 / 24 / 30 / 30
Female box heights 20 / 20 / 24 / 24
Can’t rep unless partner is in their box
Points: Winner = 2, Second = 1, NC = 0
Metcon (Time)
MMMFFF – 3 min
40 STO at 115/85
Two barbells – after 10 reps move quadrants
Barbell can’t touch ground – all to start area if it does
Points: Winner = 2, Second = 1, NC = 0
Metcon (Time)
MF – 4:30 min
60 Pull – up
30 T2B
15 Burpee to Bar
One person only working at a time
Points: Winner = 2, Second = 1, NC = 0
Metcon (Time)
TEAM– 6 min
25 Thruster at 85 lb (on a women’s bar)
25 Pull-up
10 single arm kb overhead squat 35lb
Double KB OH Lunge 35lb
15 Box jump-over 24″
3 Rope climb
7 Deficit HSPU 4″
25 Thruster at 85 lb (on a women’s bar)
Relay – each athlete takes one element.
Runs to station, does drill, runs to start line then finish line.
Points: Winner = 3, Second = 1, NC = 0