March 2021 – Member of the Month Kali

Kali, or “DJ Kali” as she’s affectionately known, has only been a member since September of 2020 but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t made an impact.

Kali came in with a knee brace and minimal CrossFit experience. She’s since shed the brace, squatting to full depth, and exhibits excellent technique. She’s incredibly dedicated. She’s at the 7:30am class five days a week. She continues to push her workouts and has even been clicking the Rx button frequently. Kali’s getting stronger, leaner, and she loves to push hard in the workouts. You’ll frequently find her staying late after class to work on her pull ups or do accessory workouts with the coaches.

Kali filled in last minute at NYR and is eager to compete in her first competition soon. She’s an inspiration at the gym and we’re proud to call her March’s member of the month. ”