CrossFit ABF – CrossFit Personal Training
Metcon (Time)
Teams of 4
200 SDLHP 45/35lbs
2 mile run
500 Sit ups
400 Box jumps 24/20”
300 Deadlifts 135/95#
200 Air squats
100 Partner burpees
50 Wheel barrow steps with push up
25 Handstand push ups
You can split up the work anyway you want and all 4 people can work at the same time. All people on your team must do at least 1 rep of every exercise in the WOD
Step ups
40% of DL 1RM
Inch worm w/ push up
Box or ab mat HSPU
3 person team do 75% of the work.
375 Sit ups
300 Box Jumps
225 DL
150 Air squats
75 Partner burpees
40 Wheel barrow steps with push up