Eliana, affectionately known as “Brown Bear”, embodies the spirit of a true ABF family member. She’s made a permanent mark on our lives and gym since she joined over three years ago. As evidenced by the name, SwansonDottir shares her love for both fitness and family in everything she does.
Eliana is a 3-year member who’s obviously dedicated to improving her fitness. She’s focused on keeping herself and her husband, Robert, in great health and shape as they grow old together. She’s frequently posting her personal records or crushing workouts on social media. She’s proud of both her accomplishments and her ABF family.
You’ll frequently see Eliana and Robert opening their incredibly well kept home to ABF events. They’ve hosted Super Bowls, Christmas parties, birthdays, get-togethers and travel-planning parties.
Looking to take a 2-week trip to Scandinavia or Western Europe? Just hook up with Eliana Travel and she’ll take care of all the details.
Eliana’s attention to detail is second-to-none. Just TAKE A LOOK AT OUR LOUNGE – IT’S INCREDIBLE! Eliana spent several hours over multiple days painting, decorating, building and shopping to put our athlete lounge together.
A tip of the hat and the utmost appreciation goes to you Mrs. Swansondottir. You’ve made this gym a home and truly embraced the spirit of the CrossFit Community at ABF.
“Brown Bear”
Member since 2-6-2016
AMRAP 17 Minutes
45 Calorie Buy-In
2 Deadlifts @ 85% of 1RM
6 Slam Ball Sit Ups 30/20lbs
16 Slam Balls 30/20lbs