CrossFit ABF – CrossFit Personal Training
Warm-up (No Measure)
400/300m row
10 empty bar deadlifts
10 hang power cleans
10 front squats
10 push press
10 back squats
Back Squat (1×1)
Begin with just the bar, and progress in increments of roughly 10% of your current 1-RM (5 Reps per set) until you’re up to about 75% of that 1-RM.
Between roughly 75% and 85% of your current 1-RM, you should switch to increments of about 5% (for example, take a warm-up set with about 80% and then 85% – 3-1 REPS PER SET).
Then, do a heavy single at 89-93%. And another one at 93-97%.
After this, take 3 attempts at your new 1RM!
Bench Press (1×1)
Bitch Work
Muscle-ups (10min )
Markussen’s Movements
PRE- x2 rounds
>Row x10 cals
>High Knee Grab to lunge x10yds
>High Knees dynamic x10yds
>Walking Quad stretch x10yds
>Butt kickers x10yds
then x2 rounds
>See Saw walk to burpee x3 each leg
>Lateral Hops x20 ****over bench or low box****
>Butterfly x1 min
then ****perform the following 4 exercise on the left side before switching to right****
>Double Pigeon Pose x1min
>1 leg hamstring stretch
>Quad stretch
>Pigeon Pose
Finish with
Chest stretch on the floor x2 min each side***